Sunday, December 14, 2008

Pinpointing the Value of Multi-Channel Behavior: Part II & III

I sat down with Ken Cassar, VP of Industry Insights at Nielsen Online, to discuss the findings of his report called "Pinpointing the Value of Multi-Channel Behavior". In part I of the video interview series Ken shared his thoughts about why Nielsen had embarked on this piece of research. Today, we dive into the meat of the findings and speak specifically to the key questions on all of our minds:

  • What is the actual value of a multi-channel consumer (one who shops on your website and in your store) versus a single channel consumer (one who shops only in your store)?
  • Recommendations for retailers on how to measure multi-channel behavior?
  • and...what was surprising, even to Ken; a seasoned online consumer researcher, about the findings???

Please watch the following two videos to get the answers.

1 comment:

  1. - thought you might be interested in more facts.
