Friday, March 13, 2009

Announcing Google’s Interest-Based Targeting Beta:

Try Tighter Targeting for Radical Results


We know it’s important to you to drive results through your marketing efforts and target those consumers most likely to convert on your site and hopefully to become loyal brand enthusiasts. You asked for tighter targeting and increased efficiency in managing your campaigns and in the spirit of providing the best possible experience for you and for our users, we’ve worked with our product and engineering teams to do just that.


Why Use Interest Based Advertising?


Yesterday, we announced our plans for an "interest-based" advertising beta test on YouTube and our Content Network which will allow you to use our contextual advertising platform to tailor targeting and messaging to those users who are most likely to be interested in the product or service you have to offer.


Interest-based ads will associate categories of interest — say beauty, shopping, and gardening— with a Google user’s online behavior, based on the types of sites that the user visits and the pages the user views. Additionally, by visiting the new Ads Preferences Manager, users can also see what interest categories we think they fall into and then add and remove categories according to their preferences. Based on these preferences, we may then use those interest categories to show those users more relevant text and display ads.


How Can I Sign Up?


Over the next few months we'll start offering interest-based advertising to a limited number of advertisers as part of a beta, and expand the offering later in 2009. If you would like to participate in the beta, please fill out this form.


Where can I learn more?


  • To learn more about the details of interest-based advertising, please visit this AdWords FAQ.



1 comment:

  1. Carl Parisien Natick MA - great article - thanks for posting this.
