Wednesday, December 22, 2010

A Resolution to Keep Resolutions

With the New Year fast approaching, millions of people take a reflective look over the past year’s accomplishments, good and bad. New Year’s Resolutions are goals for the next year that usually involve letting go of bad habits. Some of the most popular New Year’s resolutions include losing weight and improving overall physical wellness. Sound familiar?

Each holiday season, users research diets, exercise programs and fitness equipment for purchase. Google Insights for Search shows that fitness and diet queries skyrocket on December 26, and appear to correlate with the spike in New Year’s resolution queries.

Retailers have a chance to speak to consumers in search of resolutions, diet aids, supplements and exercise equipment with pertinent advertising and related content. Guide consumers to your brand by developing appealing creative and using a diverse keyword mix. If you have relevant content, be sure to engage consumers by linking products directly to diets and exercise plans.

For the rest of us, it is time to pull out a pad of paper, curl up by the fire and draft our resolutions for 2011.

Posted by Keri Overman, Google Retail Team

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