Monday, January 10, 2011

To Spend or Not to Spend, That is NOT the Question From Consumers - Catching the Post Holiday Gift Card Spending Spree

The tree has been put away and all the lights have been taken down, but gift card redemption is skyrocketing. Google Insights reveals that gift card usage is top of mind this year, and has risen in comparison to prior years.

Many people have received vendor agnostic cards from major credit card companies and are eager to make post-holiday purchases. Some gift card holders know exactly what they want to spend their gift card on, but aren't sure which retailer will give them the most value for their gifted dollars. The other portion of the gift card holder population doesn’t know how or where to spend their money.

How do you capture these two types of gift card spenders? Offer rewards for redeeming gift cards at your retail and e-tail stores. If you offer a unique value proposition for consumers purchasing items with gift cards, be sure to prominently display offers in your ad copy and run ads against product and general gift/gift card terms in top position.

Posted by Keri Overman, Google Retail Team

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