Wednesday, May 2, 2012

When is a map more than a map?

With over 20% of Google searches now containing a location element, rising to over 40% of mobile searches, retailers are becoming increasingly focused on using online mapping to their advantage. We’ve just launched a new site aimed at showing the ways in which mapping can be put to work for retailers, and have found it interesting to see the varying ways retailers have chosen to use Google Maps for Business. The site has examples of great implementations ranging from classic store locators, to promoting in-store events, and even indoor mapping.

As well as showcasing the best uses of Google Maps we’ve seen from retailers, the website also includes a Little Book of Google Maps for Business.

The online book gives tips and examples to help your company benefit from online mapping such as:
  • Locate key store information on the map, such as opening hours, stock inventory, special offers
  • Customize the map in your store’s colors
  • Visualize store performance over time and identify clusters of customer addresses
To get more ideas for mapping in your company, visit or watch this video

Posted by Caroline Mogford, Marketing Manager, Google Geospatial