Research Vital to Info-Seeking Shopper
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
With 58% of consumers already starting their Holiday research, it is clear that completing research prior to purchase is the norm for holiday shoppers. In fact, when we spoke to consumers responding to our recent Google/OTX Consumer Intentions Survey, 48% plan to spend more time this holiday season shopping around for gifts. That's a lift of 12% compared to 2008 during the initial downturn in the economy.[1]
And, as we see below, shoppers look to a variety of sources to complete this research. The internet ranked as the most helpful source of information with 79% of consumers finding it very or extremely helpful. Next up were friends, relatives and colleagues at 59% and in-store displays at 56%. [2]

When it comes to your online marketing efforts, ensure that you are creating useful, informative advertisements that highlight price, product features, and special promotions where applicable to ensure you are capturing the information-seeking shopper this holiday season.
And, as we see below, shoppers look to a variety of sources to complete this research. The internet ranked as the most helpful source of information with 79% of consumers finding it very or extremely helpful. Next up were friends, relatives and colleagues at 59% and in-store displays at 56%. [2]
When it comes to your online marketing efforts, ensure that you are creating useful, informative advertisements that highlight price, product features, and special promotions where applicable to ensure you are capturing the information-seeking shopper this holiday season.
Source: Google/OTX Consumer Intentions for Holiday 2009, 9/09. n=2002 [1] (Q16) Using the scale below please tell us how much you agree or disagree with the following statements about shopping during the holiday season [2] (Q7). Based on your past shopping experience, how useful do you think each following sources of information will be to you while you do your Holiday Shopping? (Top 2 Box)
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